In the following fields, please provide as much detail as you feel comfortable with.
Please describe how you intend to pay for Wrangell Mountains Field Studies. This can be a bullet-point list and does NOT need to be an essay format. The point of this input field is to clearly describe how you intend to pay for the ~$13,400 total cost of Field Studies.
This can include grants and scholarships you have not yet heard back from – but be sure to name them.
Do you have any financial difficulties or financial obligations that would create a barrier to your ability to attend Wrangell Mountains Field Studies?
What other means of funding are you pursuing in order to attend Wrangell Mountains Field Studies?
For each grant or scholarship you list, please indicate whether you have yet to apply or have already applied, whether your application is pending and any anticipated timelines for consideration, or if you have been awarded the grant/scholarship.
Are you able to acquire all required gear on the gear list? Is there any gear you may be unable to acquire by the start of Field Studies 2025? (We have a limited amount of gear that may be borrowed)